Friday, June 26, 2009

What is moderation?

So I have to read this book, Six Questions of Socrates, for my AP Language and Composition class, and i'll admit that at first I was dreading it. I literally thought I was going to die judging just by how many pages it had. I mean, I can deal with long books, but they actually have to give me something interesting information to read, that way i'll keep turning the page. By looking at this book, I had a serious doubt that nothing would get me to even open the cover, other than the fact that it'll be a grade for me to read this and understand it.
Now that i've actually started reading it though, and getting through the first two sections, I honestly can say, this is a pretty good book. It's actually interesting, and I love learning about other cultures. I'm just as shocked as you are that I'm actually liking a book that doesn't fall into the Gossip Girl, Harry Potter, or Twilight category. Maybe this is a turning point for me. Next time I go to Borders, i'll have to expand my browsing route of books.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I wish i would cave in.

i haven't drank soda for the past two months.  Seriously, i thought it would be harder, but it's not.

Well up until today.  

I went to go get my usual tea, and nothing was there, so i looked in the cabinet to find the mix so i could make more, and to my shock, its gone.  WTF.
So i look around and all that's left to drink, Diet frickin Dr. Pepper.


I've been so tempted to go drink that Dr.Pepper all day.  it's been killing me.  But instead I'm drinking tap water, thats how desperate i am.  Gross i know, but i have a very guilty conscience, and i know if i drink that Dr. Pepper, I'm really going to regret it.

Wow.  Only i would blog about this, but seriously it's been bugging me all day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i admit, i get a little sappy sometimes.

So i've decided i've found something to write about that's blogworthy.

Okay, so last night, Michael told me that he think he's going to go back to Austin sooner.  Of course i asked why, and he said it's because he doesn't want to be bad anymore.  He doesn't wanna smoke pot all day and he knows if he stays here he won't have the will power to say no, because at his house its so easy to come by and no one says anything about it.  It's just excepted.  

So after Michael told me this, i can honestly say i was really proud of him.  I think what he said is the best thing i've heard from him in a while.  I don't think he knows this, but sometimes when i think of how he doesn't live here anymore and i get upset kinda, i think well at least there he can act better and stay out of trouble.

I swear, i probably sound like someones mom, but i just think that Michael's actually realizing things, and I'm proud of him.

wooow. now that I'm done being all sappy, I'm gonna go watch The OC.

niight :)


i've been trying to write a blog for the past 10 min. and every time i start to write something, i end up deleting it.

I think I'm just going to wait till i have something really important to say.

Monday, June 22, 2009

family shots.

So basically i love my family.
They're hillarious, especially when everyone is drunk.

What i learned tonight is:

1. There's a new drink named "Trenna's Treat"
2. Supposedly Bret Michael's sucks in bed.
3. What happens in Scotland, stays in Scotland.
and last but definitely not least
4. I'm gettin messsssssssssed up in Scotland 

time for the partiesss.
Scotland, Amsterdam, Prague, Ireland... here we come :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dear you,

I want to trust you, and believe that you're past your old habits and that you aren't slipping back into them, but it's so hard for me. I really want to trust you, but i just can't. Maybe I'm overreacting, but when i get this feeling, im usually never wrong. I wish you would just make better choices. I can't ask much of you, or change you, i just hope you come to your senses.

- Trenna

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm willing to bet that this little girl will be famous one day.
I absolutely love reading her blog.

you're just a groupie.

oh and is it just me, or is that the saddest thing ever.
Those girls need to get a life.
Being a slut, and advertising it is not how you get by in life.


So for the past couple days my poor mom has been in and out of the hospital :(
She's been having really bad stomach pains, and i feel really bad for her. But finally today after having gone in the ambulance, they've finally figured out whats wrong with her. I haven't asked her exactly what it is because i don't want to bother her, but i don't think its anything too serious. But then again, i don't know forsure.
Along with my mom going to the hospital, my uncle left this weekend to go to California, so i was left by myself, in an empty house. So i took it upon myself to invite people over. First Michael spent the night. Then today Gloria and Ashley came over. I feel really bad because today was supposed to be Gloria's birthday party on the strip, but she decided to reschedule because i couldn't go since i wasn't going to leave my poor mom alone right after she has just gotten out of the hospital.
It's okay though. We're just going to go sometime this week.

What i finally came to terms with today was that im really afraid of being by myself. Not in the way of like "being single for the rest of my life", i mean like being at my house alone. Ever since i was little my family has always been around, so i feel weird without anyone. I mean i have 4 dogs, and if you've seen them, then you know im fine, because my dogs would kill anyone that tried to hurt me, but still, i just like the feeling of knowing that someone else is right by me. idk.

Well im gonna try to go to bed. tomorrow my uncles coming home, and tomorrow i get my car back :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I suck at blogging.

I haven't had time to blog lately. honestly this is the first day i've been home in 3 days.

So pretty much this summers been really good so far. I'm excited to see what can come of it.
Monday chilled with the fam bam. Tuesday && Wednesday i was with The Girls, just doing our usual but with a couple perks. I swear our normal days get stranger, and stranger, and we came to this conclusion how we think its so weird how everytime Mark decides to come to Ashleys, were over, but he doesn't know that we're over. idk. I guess it's just a weird luck thing. hmmm.
The girls finally got to have our talk that we've been meaning to have, and alot of things have been cleared up and some new things have been laid on the table now.
Oh on a sad note though, Ashley & Shane broke up :(
but on a good note, they're still friends :)
which is good because Shane is such a nice guy.
anywayyys back to the days i've had. Today me and Ashley went to the mall to go buy Gloria's birthday present. I would blog about what we got her, but most likely Gloria will actually read this. hahaa Oh but the mall was fun though, and i have to admit that i got the cutest outfit ever.
seriously though. In my opinion it's prettty snazzzzzy. haha

well im gonna go clean seeing as i have company coming over tomorrow. Well not really company, it's only Michael, but still. My room looks a little messsy.

I'll blog tomorrow with Michael :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Gloria will always be able to make me laugh :)
&& i just had to post this because it makes her mad that I'm still
laughing about this photo.

What are the odds.

So yesterday the girls and i discovered quite a few things that we need to talk about amongst ourselves.
I mean, i know its only the beginning of summer but now, i feel like this summer is gonna be hella crazy judging by whats already going on.

Can't wait till Tuesday. Sleepover with the girls/ my bestfriend is going to finally be here.

Hmm maybe we'll just make this the boys/the girls sleepover. That way my gay bff's can be filled in on the new drama too


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weird Sleep, No feet.

So if you know me well, then you know that i probably have some of the craziest dreams around. I usually end up telling whoever asks, so i thought i might as well just write them on here, because even though i can remember my dreams, i still wanna have something to fall back on.
Anyways this is how todays' dream started off.

My aunt, my moms friend Staci, my Mom, Gloria, and I were all driving back from somewhere north of Nevada, when Gloria and I decided that we wee thirsty and we needed to use the restroom. So we pulled over in this small town at some gas station, that across from it had some Biker run going on so all these bikers were hanging out in the bar across the street. But me and Gloria didn't care so we ran in the gas station and ran to the restroom. once we got out we were thirsty so we got some drinks and got in line. Then while were in line a biker walks in and gets in line behind us with his friends. All of a sudden,the bikers all like "Daaamn girl, im gonna have to get that" to Gloria, and Gloria looks at me all scared, so i turn around and I'm like "WTF dude were only 16 so you need to lay off pedophile" then he's all like "what are you gonna do about it. i could get both of you and leave" and i was like "you don't know me. I'll beat your ass before you touch me" then for some reason i pick up this Bacardi bottle that just popped outta no where and i cracked it over the guys head, and he was like "oh fuck no". Then he pulls a knife on me and Gloria screams, but then the guy from behind the counter jumps out and blocks me and hit the other guy with a baseball bat before he can get me. The out of nowhere all these bikers come from everywhere and this just turns into a straight out brawl inside this tiny gas station and me and Gloria are like freakin out. then my aunt, mom and Staci get out of the car and they get in there and they start throwin down too and me and Gloria are like WTF! and it just turns crazy so we jump in the car and i drive to the front and tell them to get in and my aunt, mom and staci get in the car, and then my moms all like "that bitch cut my foot off" and i look down and her foots missing but it's all smooth. Then i woke up.

Okay so i don't know about you, but in my opinion thats a crazy ass dream. Like who has dreams like those. i don't know anybody that has dreams as weird as that. and even my friends agree. I don't know. It's just strange. But then again, on the other hand, im happy that i can actually remember my dreams, because most people can't, but i remember mine so clearly, and they're always in great detail.

Friday, June 5, 2009


I don't even know what to write. But i feel like i should blog, so i'll just write whatever comes to mind.

  • i currently dislike a person that i barely even know, which is disapointing because i promised myself i wasn't going to dislike people who i barely even know, but somehow i've slipped into it again. It's wrong, but i feel like this time i've really judged this persons character well and i can just tell they're bad news.
  • i'm going to start taking DJ classes because i realized that i love music, and i love parties, and i can always make great playlists to dance too, and its not that i want this as my career but its something fun that will come in handy and i know i'll enjoy the classes.
  • i really want get back in touch with people that i lost touch with. By this i guess i mean Samari. We still talk, but not nearly as much and i miss her so much. We were best friends, and we let being seperated in high school tear us apart. But this summer i wanna change that and i want us to start talking again. and now that im getting my license i think it'll be easier for us to hang out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My own.

I've decided to get my own blog now.
I've been sharing a blog with The Girls for the past 3 months, and it seems like I've been the only one writing in it, which is surprising, since i rarely remember to do anything.
Anyways I decided to just make my own blog. It's less of a hassle i guess, plus i wanted one of my own anyway.